Mitsubishi Electric joins hands with 8 alliances to create an ecosystem to drive the Thai plastic industry through the theme of Digitalizing and Decarbonizing.
Mitsubishi Electric joins hands with 8 alliances
to create an ecosystem to drive the Thai plastic industry
through the theme of Digitalizing and Decarbonizing.
Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. introduces innovation and technology to accelerate the reduction of carbon generated from the production process together with partners from the public sector, the private sector, and associations declaring their intention to create an ecosystem to drive the Thai plastic industry through the impact of carbon tax measures under the concept of "Drive SUSTAINABILITY in Manufacturing by DIGITALIZING AND DECARBONIZING for Plastic Industry" at the Plastic & Rubber Thailand 2023 event, which is organized on 10 – 13 May 2023 at BITEC Bangna
On this occasion, on May 11, 2023, a press conference was held to the media in the form of a panel discussion on the topic "Management Vision & Commitment in Collaboration to drive A Sustainability in Plastic Industry". Honorable people from government agencies, executives from the private sector, and representatives from industry associations related to the development of the plastic industry in Thailand gathered to brainstorm ideas to drive the process of DIGITALIZING AND DECARBONIZING concretely in the Thai plastic industry. This will eventually lead to the creation of an ecosystem that meets the needs of the BCG Economy, a model for sustainable development.
Mr. Wichiene Ngamsukkarsemsri
Managing Director of Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand)
“As part of Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation, we are both a manufacturer of electrical appliances and also part of a technology provider that offers modern factory automation systems for entrepreneurs as well. So far, Mitsubishi Electric has a clear determination to help the industrial sector adjust its production system to meet the Factory 4.0 trend while being environmentally friendly.”
“This cooperation is in line with the company's policy that wants to push and develop Thai industry into the 4.0 system with a team of well-trained engineers from Japan. To support and upgrade the Thai manufacturing industry to be modern, automated, increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption, including reducing production costs both in the short and long term, increasing opportunities and competitiveness in world market upgrading to a smart factory under the e-F@ctory concept which SCADA GENESIS64™, one of Mitsubishi Electric's tools, that can help Thai entrepreneurs overcome the carbon tax trap in the future.
“But of course, being a hardware manufacturer in the field of factory automation and the addition of the software still cannot lead the industry to achieve the goal of Digitalizing and Decarbonization. Neither party can cause the Thai industrial sector to develop in a sustainable way.”
“So we have to create an ecosystem, create alliances, whether government, industry, or various agencies that have technology that have the same path in creating a sustainable industry. For example, today there are various booths, For Mitsubishi Electric which has implemented the SCADA GENESIS64™ software system which is used to visualize energy and has partners to visualize carbon values and there are organizations that work on plastic resins to share their know how to develop plastic products to be bio-based and also have various customer cases and related agencies that are ready to provide knowledge in this event.”
“As for Mitsubishi Electric, today it is clear that we are focusing on how to make the Thai industry sustainable and create an ecosystem, as well as trying to communicate on this matter and the technology that will help with Digitalizing and Decarbonization. Let the industry understand how the technology we offer can be applied and help reduce carbon emissions and digitize manufacturing processes through collaboration between all partners.”

Mr. Veera Kwanloetchit
President of Plastics Institute Of Thailand (PITH)
“In the past, we have often heard the phrase CBAM, or the EU's pre-crossing carbon price adjustment measure, that whenever a product is shipped to Europe, a carbon tax will be imposed. Which aims that in 2023 there will be all 5 products, but in the first phase there is no plastic, which is expected to be announced in Phase 2. The CBAM measure will be implemented by October 1, 2023 and by 2025.”
“Therefore, Thailand must come prepared to comply with this measure and the Plastics Institute intends to take part in driving the plastic industry to grow sustainably by focusing on creating accurate and efficient databases. Next is all the arrangements to add to what the entrepreneur can do. Finally, all this is to build the competitiveness of entrepreneurs in Thailand.
And besides building a database, we also help operators in using IoT to link tools and machines to work more efficiently by bringing induction heaters to optimize energy usage. Because this innovation can reduce energy consumption by 30-50 percent, even in the servo motor, it will increase production power and reduce the use of electric motors.”
“Recently, the Institute of Plastics has added the role of both consultant and auditor by going into the TGO to study and adapting the practice to the terms and conditions of the TGO and this is part of the recent activity that we will send our experts to audit, assess and carbon emissions of private companies as well.”

Mr. Kraisri Phankitnirundon
Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Sustainability Department, Corporate Strategy
Planning and Business Development and the representative of
“PLASTKET.COM is the first plastic e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia that brings technology to be a medium to connect the purchase and sale of plastic resins, additives and chemicals, including semi-finished and finished products easier by allowing sellers to bring plastic resin from a variety of brands to distribute and to create a variety of options in terms of quality and price for buyers operated by I Polymer Company Limited, a subsidiary of IRPC Public Company Limited
“And on this occasion, PLASTKET.COM has joined with Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. to showcase innovative Plastic E-Commerce Platform to promote and support energy saving and reduces costs in the plastic industry by offering factory automation solutions (e-Factory) of Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. on PLASTKET.COM platform.
It is also recommended that plastic entrepreneurs turn to use high quality recycled plastic resins, which are environmentally friendly plastic resins that can calculate carbon credits, both Post-Industrial Recycled Resin (PIR) and Post-Consumer Recycled Resin (PCR) that have been processed and manufactured with modern technology with world-class quality standards and bases. In addition, PLASTKET.COM also offers other carbon reduction products such as solar rooftop systems and ceramic coatings.”

Mr. Ekaphol Pongsatabhon
CEO of Thantawan Industry Pcl. (THIP)
“Thantawan Industry Public Company Limited is very pleased to be a part of this project. And thanks to Mitsubishi Electric for inviting us to participate in this great project. Thantawan Industry is fortunate that we are quite alert and pay attention to the trend of creating sustainability in the industry. We have been doing this business for quite some time and we consider it to be the DNA of our business.”
“By the opportunity to make us grow sustainably by focusing on S means Social and Stakeholders because Thantawan Industry is a business that was born for human beings, for society and Stakeholders. Therefore, we always think about what we can do for customers to adopt products and services that are not only good for the user, but also good for the society, good for everyone and all parties.”
“And when creating a new product, we pay attention to many keywords, starting with the word User Friendly, which is a word that everyone already understands, meaning easy to use, then Eco Friendly. When these two words come together, it means creating a product that everyone can use easily and sustainably.”
“The next factor that we take into account is the environment, where we focus on all 3 levels. The first is at the product level, designing to minimize the burden on the environment by using as few resources as possible. And at the level of the manufacturing process that is the entire supply chain how to help the environment as much as possible.”
“Finally, it's a business model or a way to do business because in the future we won't just look at selling products and finishing them. But we have to look beyond the Reverse Logistic or take care of how to deal with waste. This is a heavy burden for us.”
And of course, when combining Social and Environment, it will answer the last E, which is Economic, because when we make the Social and Environment system well, of course, the Economic system in terms of our ability to do business will improve. At the same time, these elements will allow us to make products. or projects that are good for society and the environment under good governance or the direction we need to go.”
“We believe that this cooperation is not only good for all parties but also for Thantawan Industry, we don't just want to be involved in the project but we want to be more involved, or in the future, if possible, we want to be a pioneer and play a part in stimulating awareness of sustainability trends in the plastics industry.”

Mr. Peerapong Sasawatviboon
Managing Director of Prize Interpack (1999)
“Price Interpack (1999) factory's aspirations, we have taken 3 pillars in line with sustainability goals. Starting from selecting raw materials that are quality and environmentally friendly to be recyclable materials. And next step, we will develop products that can be recycled more easily.”
“Next, it's about steps to reduce consumption and carbon emissions to a minimum. For example, using energy at present, we are trying to find technology to use in the plastic industry by reducing the use of unnecessary tools. And also reduce the steps to less and install solar cells to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Including another important step is that we have to reduce the issue of wastage in order to cut the problem of wasting energy unnecessarily.”
“However, once it's produced, it's important that we communicate with consumers so that the product can be used and sorted properly. Because every plastic product produced is not a waste if we don't make it into waste, so just sorting it out can make a difference. But the important thing before this process occurs is the provision of knowledge or knowledge, which must begin instilling in childhood and must start from the household.”
“Because the plastic production process does not cause much pollution. If only we understand the use, separation and bring back into the process. If not recyclable, we can make RDF or waste fuel. And the necessary transformation requires 2 parts: Process Transform, fortunately, we have partnered with The Federation of Thai Industries sent experts to train our employees, leading to the second transformation, people Transform which is the change of people, people who are more attentive to choosing environmentally friendly products.”

Dr.Paweena Panichayapichet
Manager of Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)
“As Thailand has ratified to become a party to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by participating in solving climate change problems that help promote sustainable development in parallel.”
“TGO is an agency whose main mission and objective is to promote, develop potential, create knowledge and networks among target groups, as well as give advice to government agencies and the private sector on greenhouse gas emission reduction to understand and be able to put into practice. Especially issues related to greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in various sectors, both industrial sectors and waste management from production.”
“What the TGO intends to make happen in a concrete way is to encourage all sectors to participate in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For manufacturers in the plastic and rubber industry, we would like all manufacturers to know which point is the point that generates important greenhouse gases or hot spots, especially in terms of electricity consumption. The plastic industry has a lower electricity consumption rate than the petrochemical industry.”
“In addition, I would like to thank Technology Provider, who presents modern and environmentally friendly production technology like Mitsubishi Electric and many other companies that try to adopt green production technology. If we can do that, it will certainly cause greenhouse gas reduction because in the end, government agencies have an important duty to set the country's greenhouse gas reduction goals. And in the past, we tried to convey this goal to entrepreneurs so that entrepreneurs would be aware and put the measures into practice. TGO would be a consultant and help drive this mission into reality. This will enable Thailand to finally achieve its global greenhouse gas emission targets.”

Dr.Paiboon Limpitipanich
Director of EEC Automation Park
“At EEC Automation Park, we have the technology to offer to operators that are presented to the demand and supply side, namely industrial plants. Whether it is a network of the Plastics Institute or a matter of Mass Production in the group of the Thai Subcon association, or on the supply side, it will be on the side of a trader or a system integrator like the TARA association.
“In addition, EEC Automation Park, also has a duty to present technology that improves production processes or increases productivity, reduces waste, creates better work which contributes to reducing the use of electricity, reducing the use of other related energy, whether gas, fuel or various oils.
“Directly, if the productivity of the production process is increased, it will lead to the reduction of energy consumption. And when the reduction is done, the TGO will have a simple calculation process with the Emission Factor that can convert the energy reduction value, whether electricity, various fuels, into the matter of reducing carbon emissions.
“The next part, the mission of the EEC Automation Park is to match demand and supply to enable the use of technology. Including the issue of pulling various experts to do about the process of improving the production system, which we have cooperated with both the TARA Association and the Thai subcon Association in the matter of developing a System Analyst who went to make reports for the factory. And related to pulling out the government budget to support factories, especially the budget for using experts, relevant budgets that will be incentives for the industrial sector that will continue to improve.

Mr. Kiattisak Jirakajonvong
President of Thai-Subcon.
“In the past, we have played a role in introducing our members to the privileges they will receive if they contribute to reducing carbon or greenhouse gas emissions that can be used to reduce corporate taxes, reduce electricity bills, which contribute to motivate Thai SUBCON members from various industries to realize the importance of reducing carbon in every way.”
“Since providing knowledge on reducing carbon and having cooperation with TARA association, EEC Automation Park, MARA association, to support and encourage members to use automation systems and install solar roofs by introducing members about the benefits gained from installing the solar roof.”
“And we also encourage members to switch to more electric vehicles, upgrade production to ERP systems or enterprise resource planning systems that help change work processes in terms of being paper less in Purchasing, Accounting, Administration, all of which are mechanisms or tools. But the carbon reduction effect will not be possible without the cooperation of both government and private sector practitioners. Private sectors who offer green technology such as Mitsubishi Electric, as well as organizations that are associations that act as a medium to connect all sectors together.”

Dr.Prapin Abinorasaeth
President of Thai Automation and Robotics Association (TARA)
“The TARA Association is a Thai robotics and automation integrator with about 100 members at the moment, including the supply chain. Today's discussion topics focus on "Decarbonization" that we see is related to the creation of processes. "Sustainability Manufacturing" that has many steps to lead to sustainability in the manufacturing industry, we can easily see during the COVID-19 crisis. The manufacturing sector may have to falter or halt because human labor can't work as before, relying on automation systems and robots. At that time, the association consulted with many entrepreneurs to adjust their production towards "Digital Manufacturing for Sustainability and Decarbonization" as well.
“By the process of changing this, like in organizations that are SMEs, every factory has a machine and the machine must use a PLC system, one of which belongs to Mitsubishi Electric. In the PLC, there will be a function to record electricity usage data then use this information to send to the database system. After that, technology such as SCADA of Mitsubishi Electric can be used to retrieve all information about how much electricity or energy is consumed. All these systems we have to invest is not over than 30,000 baht. We can convert the system to digital and also calculate the rate of electricity consumption that can be used to calculate carbon emissions. This is the level which SMEs can access.
“So, from the perspective of the TARA Association with a role in helping Decarbonization of the plastics and rubber industry is to advise the manufacturing sector to adjust and use digital manufacturing. which used in both Manufacturing System to IT System. And if you want to be fully Industry 4.0, you need to put the data in the cloud where everyone in the organization can view the data. This is equivalent to connecting to all data.
“Today, Digital Manufacturing for Sustainability and Decarbonization happens with modern technology that will make the goal of transforming factories to be 4.0 and sustainable.”